Many of us will develop a foot problem at some point in our lives, and we only get one pair. So, why do they receive so little love from us?

Taking care of our feet should be as important as a regular haircut, getting an eye test or visiting the dentist. You can do a lot to protect your feet, and most common problems can be easily treated.

Serious foot problems can cause significant discomfort when walking. Resulting in poor mobility and for the ‘mature’ person may mean they don’t go out!

Did you know figures from the society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists show that 80% of UK women suffer from foot pain and 1 in 5 men have foot pain most days? Goodness is all we can say, which is why we are sharing our top five ways to look after your feet!

Things you can do to improve the health of your feet

– The right footwear plays an important part in your foot health, and comfortable well-fitting shoes are essential. It is also recommended you don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day as this puts pressure on the same points. So, ring the changes!

– Just like we need fresh air, so do our toes. Get them out and give them a wiggle! Especially in the winter, when they can be stuffed into socks and boots daily.

– Moistures your feet every night to help keep hard skin at bay!

– Cut your toenails regularly and keep them short.

– Always dry your feet probably after a shower or bath.

There are serious medical conditions that mean you must check your feet regular, including diabetes. And a Chiropodist can do this for you. Don’t ignore them; let your feet do the talking!

Now, before you put your feet away for the winter and before the party season begins and you want to get them out again: why not book an appointment with Susan Vaughan our Chiropodist and get those toes sparkling!

Or, for the sporty foot. Book an appointment with Colin Campbell, who offers gait analysis and can supply orthotics to help with growth in youngsters and address overuse injury in the fanatic!!