Isolation is not fun for many, especially if you live alone.

The year 2020 has not been what we expected or hoped for and the initial ‘fun’ of lockdown version 1.0 has dulled. We are all Zoomed out, quizzed out and pretty fed up. Yet, every day we hear from friends and family who need to or know someone who is isolating. Don’t know about you but I dread the ping of track and trace.

So how can you have fun in isolation?

Fun that doesn’t involve Zoom, a quiz or require ingredients from the cupboard that you’ve never stocked during ‘normal’ times.

As I pondered this blog, I initially thought six ways to get the heart pumping and the happy endorphins fizzing sounded good. But let’s face it over the past seven or so months you’ve been bombarded with PE lessons and online exercise classes, and many of you have already taken up running or cycling.

I love cycling and would highly recommend BUT what if you don’t want to invest in Lycra cycling shorts?

The first fun thing that came to mind was dancing like nobody’s watching, probably because Strictly is back on the TV. You can dance anytime, anywhere, with the hoover in hand or while cooking up a storm in the kitchen. It doesn’t require special equipment, fake tan or an outfit with tassels – just turn up the music and get your body moving.

A little tip from me, whether you’re dancing to the radio or got that old exercise DVD out, set the tone for the activity. So, this isn’t the time for burning a relaxing candle. Actually, that might be dangerous if you’re swinging your arms about so don’t do that, but what about using an uplifting oil in your diffuser, something zesty for instance.

The thing with exercise is…

Just ten minutes a day is all you need to lift your mood, and instead of trying to get the heart racing concentrate on simply increase your heart rate.  Think stretch and tone, which makes good sense with the colder weather and naturally wanting to curl up. Think tall, take the dog for a walk, try some squats while binge-watching your favourite show. Make it easy and have fun with it.

I get it, not everyone feels the need or wants to wiggle, so how about designing your awesome 2021 with a vision board. Great use of the magazines you’ve been buying and stacked in the corner waiting for you to read – oh is that just me?

Think holidays, cars, perhaps design that kitchen you’ve always wanted. Choose the flowers or vegetables you’ll plant in the Spring, places here in the UK you’ve never visited and would like to see. Perhaps you’re a foodie and will fill your board with amazing restaurants to visit or recipes to try.

Crafting at its easiest and a wonderful way of relaxing – it’s Blue Peter and sticky back plastic all over again. Plus, there are a huge number of benefits to creating a vision board and you can find out more here.

One other thing you might like to try and that is a cold shower.

I can see you screwing up your face and saying ‘not for me Jenny’ BUT stay with me because I talk from experience. It totally energises you and I’m already up to 2-minutes and highly recommend.

Cold showers are great for the mind and get the endorphins flowing before you even begin your day. Improve circulation and metabolism and help to fight common illnesses, so what’s not to love. Go on give yourself a jolt and increase alertness, clarity, and energy levels and those all-important happiness hormones called endorphins.

Whatever you try, make it easy and make it fun.

In case you’ve already overdone the PE, the at-home exercise classes or having finally put your garden to bed have pains now preventing you from putting your feet up, we are open. Call 01722 415 055 to make an appointment.