Fast, effective & early intervention – it’s a must!

Not only is early intervention a must but the only way to keep you doing the things you love. A phrase we use often is ‘don't suffer in silence, or ignore those aches and pains’. Why? Because at Sarum Physio we know how easy it is to keep going because you have to or feel [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:31:17+00:00July 23rd, 2018|Physiotherapy|Comments Off on Fast, effective & early intervention – it’s a must!

Get active and on your bike this summer

To be healthy you need to be physically active and regular activity can help protect you from diseases. Cycling is an excellent way of doing this, getting you out and enjoying the sunshine while getting fit. Plus, it’s an aerobic exercise that is low impact, great for all ages and something you can do as [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:16:17+00:00July 18th, 2018|Healthy tips|Comments Off on Get active and on your bike this summer
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