New year, new you … we say bah humbug. It’s that time of year when you’re most likely already fed up with articles on resolutions, intentions and the like. Promises of a new fitter, healthier you.

Here’s the thing January isn’t the only time of year you can decide to lose weight, improve your fitness or deal with that nagging pain you’ve been ignoring.

It’s why Sarum Physio is open all year round – well pretty much allowing for public holidays. We’re not just here for Christmas or New Year resolutions, we’re here to support you every step of the way and whenever YOU decide the time.

According to our research of the chronicle that is the World Wide Web 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February, so why is this?

  1. The goal is not specific enough or is unrealistic.
  2. You have no plan to achieve your goal.
  3. Lack of belief or time or both
  4. The list could and does go on.

What do you want to achieve in 2019?

Now while we can’t help with all goals, for example, if you’ve decided to learn a new language – we can support you with health and fitness goals and here’s how.

  1. If you have an injury (old or new) or an ache, pain or niggle that is stopping you from getting started, please get in touch. At Sarum we see many patients who’ve put off seeking help because of time, even hoping the pain will go away. The sooner you seek help the better – end of.
  2. Personalised exercise plans created around your lifestyle because it’s important to us is that you will actually do them. Supporting you in taking the necessary action to ensure your body is ready and able to work towards your goals. Think of us as your very own cheerleading team.
  3. On-going support throughout the year, remember we’re not just here for resolutions. Our multi-approach to your treatment means the Sarum team will work together to ensure you receive the right treatment for you. Personalised care to meet your need and to support you achieving your goals.

Our top tips for keeping health and fitness resolutions

  1. Don’t do it alone, find a ‘partner’ and go on the journey together.
  2. Break your goals down so you can celebrate the milestones along the way.
  3. Smaller goals keep you motivated and reduce the chance of you giving up.
  4. Be absolutely clear of what achieving the goal will mean to you.

Don’t start tomorrow, start today and if the first step is reaching out for our help, call 01722 415 055. We’re here and ready to cheer you on.