Don’t just sit and watch Strictly … get up and boogie. While the weather remains warm days are shorter and nights longer. Leaving us all feeling lethargic and wanting nothing more than a hot chocolate and tin of Quality Street (other brands are available).

It can be extremely difficult to keep motivated to exercise during winter and if you’re skipping that run and missing those gym sessions – you’re not alone. Believe it or not, maintaining a regular exercise routine will make it easier to get out of bed in the morning.

Exercise can also boost your immune system. So if you’re looking for a way to keep those coughs and colds at bay … get off the sofa. Plus, since being inside with the heating on full blast is not good for you. It’s a great way to increase your body temperature without the aid of central heating.

We’ve said it before and say it again, working out with friends is better. With an exercise buddy, you are more likely to stay motivated, work harder and continue through the winter months.

Or why not try something different, take up a new class or start a new tradition of meeting friends and family for a Sunday walk. Be creative and think beyond weightlifting and exercise bikes.

There is nothing worse than falling off the exercise wagon just before Christmas. While its okay to take a break you don’t want to give yourself the perfect excuse to overindulge during the festive period. As this is guaranteed to result in you finding it even harder to get back to regular activity in January.

Before you hang up the running shoes for the year. Remind yourself of the importance of maintaining your fitness and taking responsibility for your health. Including:

  1. Improved flexibility – much needed for dancing on the dance floor
  2. Increased energy – always useful during the Christmas rush
  3. Keeping injury at bay – particularly important to ensure you enjoy the festive holiday
  4. Mood-boosting – Christmas and New Year can be a difficult time and very stressful
  5. Stress releasing – a great way to keep a sense of perspective on the upcoming madness

Don’t forget there are plenty of activities indoors that can help keep the heart rate up and the blood pumping. Yep … we are back to dancing in front of Strictly like nobodies watching. Equally, there is putting the garden to bed, clearing up the spare room ready for the relatives and sorting out the garage – who knows you might create enough room in there for a personal gym!

Keep active this winter to keep energy levels up, stress at bay and colds at arm’s length. Or why not give us a call and use the winter months to sort out those aches, pains and niggles. The ones you’ve been ignoring since the summer.

Finally, if it all gets too much. Call our fabulous reception team and book a relaxing massage – because you’re worth it.