Did you know that touch is one of the first senses that we acquire? That you can communicate via this sense from a very early age and before you can talk?
Touch is the ultimate connection between two people and can say as much if not more than words. Beyond the ability to communicate, it can strengthen a connection, soothe and heal!
When working with our clients’ ‘connection’ is essential. Enabling a better understanding of the problem as presented and the potential underlying issue or issues. Resulting in you being offered the right solution for you and your lifestyle. That will reduce or eliminate the pain, increase your mobility or simply get you back doing the things you love – from sport to gardening, from walking to playing with the grandchildren.
Touch helps to establish the problem. Physiotherapists touch to gather information, to actually feel what’s going on and to perform a procedure, reduce pain, build strength, flexibility and power.
Physio has come a long way since its earliest use in the 1800s and when hanging weights, traction and pulleys were the norm, it’s now very much a hands-on role. And shouldn’t be about giving you a pamphlet or list of exercises you will never do.
Through touch and communication, Sarum physios establish the problem. By talking to you we are able to provide you with exercises you can and will do (if needed).
Massage also uses touch, well it would be a little hard to provide this therapy by simply hovering over the patient or standing at the back of the room. Before starting a massage treatment and always when meeting a new patient Sarum masseurs will talk to you.
Not from behind a clipboard or a screen but talk to you with the purpose of connecting and understanding the problem. So, they can provide you with the right treatment, in the right areas and yes, they will need to touch you but with your permission.
At Sarum, we pride ourselves on putting you first. Building a relationship by talking to you and creating the trust needed to touch and heal. We’re here for tears of frustration and pain and will join you in laughter when appropriate and needed.
We urge you as February (the month of love) draws to a close that you put yourself first. If you’ve:
- An ache, pain or niggle reach out and make an appointment, if not with us with another health professional.
- Been struggling to do the things you love, make the decision and take action today to do something about it.
- Noticed you’re holding tension and stress in your neck and shoulders book a massage with one of our fabulous masseurs.
We’ve twenty-five years of experience talking, connecting and engaging with our patients. Getting to the root of the problem and providing a joined-up approach to your treatment. Call us on 01722 415 055 today.
You can find out more about the power of touch in this fabulous article we found on the Psychology Today website.