Easter brings thoughts of new beginnings and Spring has indeed sprung. The weather is better – a little warmer – and daffodils, snowdrops and bluebells bring colour to our world.
Some of you are getting out into the garden to bring it back to life, which means chatting to neighbours and reconnecting. Others have been returning to the gym, dusting off their golf clubs and using the car a little less.
While I have a beautiful new grandson who I flew across the water to America to meet, watching the thrust of new life up close and personal. His tiny fists clenched, his different cries as he communicated with us, and oh, that wonderful smell of a new baby. And yes, absolutely meeting him inspired this blog, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
New beginnings and time to reflect and pause
After the past two years and with all that is happening globally, it might still feel hard to find joy. Yet, it is all around us when we stop to see it. The simple things in life are often missed, like the sun’s warmth, the birdsong, flowers budding and coming out in full bloom. The opportunity to get out more without needing a winter coat – so much on our doorstep to be grateful for.
A time to consider what you WANT to experience and enjoy and who you want to spend time with. How you want to live your life, and how you will make the most of every minute gifted.
Perhaps as the days lengthen, you are thinking of trying something new? For instance, joining a walking group or searching out that old pair of running shoes – with a desire to be healthier, fitter. Could you do this with friends who can keep you accountable and motivated maybe? You might make new friends and find a new love for something you’ve not tried before.
Maybe you simply want to spend more time with those you love after the restrictions of lockdowns and covid. And in that case, how will you make that happen?
I recently heard from a friend who took off to Cornwall with their extended family – hiring two caravans. They shared the joy of the kids, running back and forth to ask if Nannie had brown sauce, check on times for swimming, walking – or just to raid her fridge. They spent time together doing what they might not have done before – bingo was mentioned and they laughed a lot!
The key is to make it happen, simple really
Go on, call your family and friends and ask to meet them down at the beach for a picnic. Join the National Trust and visit houses and gardens waiting for you to explore them. Go enjoy coffee and cake at Heale House, then walk it off around the gardens. Check in with a neighbour, reconnect with friends who have moved away and arrange to meet halfway – more challenging if they’ve left the country but not impossible.
Choose, decide and then make your new beginning happen. Don’t wait for another Easter, bank holiday weekend or a day off – new beginnings can start anytime you choose. Whether that be getting back on the golf course or dusting off your tennis racquet – just do it.
And, if you are worried about an injury or pain that might prevent you from getting on a plane or pulling your golf clubs out of the garage, we are here for you. Equally, if you’d like to bring your garden back to life, hold your new grandchild with confidence or simply walk to the shop without pain, we are also here for you.
At Sarum, we want you to live your best life. We want you to enjoy new beginnings when you choose and not because it’s a certain of year. So, call 01722 415 055 to make an appointment and let’s get your new beginning started!