If you need time out from the kids, a massage could be the answer and no it doesn’t have to be painful and you don’t need to be in pain to benefit. You might actually be surprised at the amount of stress and tension being held by your body, especially during the school holidays.

Change or in the case of school holidays disruption to our routine can have a far greater impact on your body than you may realise, and there’s the problem. Because you haven’t realised or recognised the signs you are putting continual pressure on your muscles, with pain commonly starting in your shoulders or neck – pain you are most likely ignoring.

Studies have shown that massage is an effective treatment of stress, pain and muscle tension. The great news is at Sarum our team can offer different types of massage and while regular massage is hugely beneficial we don’t mind if you book in for one session to escape the kids.

If you can hear squeaks, clicks and grinding noises when you move then most likely a massage is just what you need. A chance to take the weight off while one of our fabulous team work their magic on those knots to release the stress and tension you are holding in your body without even realising.

Benefits of massage include:

  1. Time away from the kids – okay that’s not a serious benefit!
  2. Improved sleep
  3. Reduced stress
  4. A boost to your immune system
  5. Reduction in muscle pain
  6. Relief from headaches … those caused by the children or not!

At Sarum we offer:

Deep Muscle and Soft Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Relaxation Massage. The last being the one that you will most likely wish to book, it’s not only relaxing but will relieve the school holiday stress.

Massage makes just about anyone feel better and as we’ve already said you needn’t be unwell to benefit from the oldest and most natural of treatments.

Call 01722 415 055 and speak to our friendly reception team who will do their very best to find an appointment time to suit you. Now, while we are very child-friendly at Sarum Physio we don’t recommend bringing the little people with you for your appointment. They might be bored waiting and you definitely don’t want them in the treatment room!

Treat yourself to some me time, you deserve it and this applies to mums, dads, grandparents, aunties and uncles – anyone suffering from school holiday itus.