Massage is one of the oldest and simplest treatments. It’s a natural way of releasing tension and pain held in the body, which has often occurred because of stress and a busy life.
NOW when someone says to get a massage, it conjures up images of Spa days with the girls. But the benefits of regular massage are far greater than a few hours of treat time. And the great news is that people of all ages and levels of fitness can enjoy a massage.
Even better, there isn’t a need to be unwell to benefit. Plus, it can help to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, improve concentration and reduce fatigue. The benefits are endless!
Our lives are busy.
We are rushing to the school gate, to work, to the next meeting, and the ‘to do’ list grows daily. Women tend to keep going, which is when we can miss the signs of stress. Stop for a minute and think about how you are feeling. Do you feel like a coiled spring? Is your mind racing and your body itching to get to the next task waiting for you?
It’s okay. The world won’t stop if you take a moment to breathe. Releasing the tension and stress held in the body with regular massage can leave you energised, focused and more productive without the tightness you might feel.
Our massage team.
Gaby Piontek and Cally Morfit are highly experienced and specialise in different areas of massage. Both work closely with the physio team and offer:
• Deep Muscle and Soft Tissue
• Sports
• Relaxation
All treatments will be tailored to your need, and we recommend a course or regular appointment. Although you will be surprised by how much better you can feel from just one session.
Don’t let tension and stress stop you from enjoying the summer months, which are just around the corner. Or an old injury prevent you from putting your trainers on.